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Friday, January 23, 2009

Is your head buried?

Having worked with teenagers in and outside the church the past 10 years, I am thoroughly convinced that many parents and leaders within society and especially the church live as the proverbial ostrich, with their "heads buried in the sand." We are living at a time when the average American teenager loses his/her virginity before they are 16 to 17 years old (;; reported that a study of 10,000 teens by the Tyra Banks Show revealed that 15 is the average age that girls are having sex and 14% of those lose their virginity at school.) We see that suicide takes the life of a teenager every 100 minutes ( Need I even mention the school shootings, unbridled violence, and alcohol and drug use that is so rampant among our youth. Our nation morally is in a mess. We are now a secularized society that has proudly removed God and the Judeo-Christian values from the foundations of education and government and have reaped the harvest of the seeds of a humanistic worldview that has been sown. Our kids are taught that there are no absolutes concerning morality, that man is just the result of time + chance + matter (a theory which is taught as a fact) and all truth is relevant. The institution of the family, which has survived every culture since the dawn of creation, is now being destroyed, not only by the homosexual community but even more so by the heterosexuals with their no fault divorces and a divorce rate that hovers around 50 % ( Considering all that I've mentioned, is it any wonder why teenage suicide is so high, or they lose their virginity so young (which leads to emotional struggles), or they turn to drugs, alcohol and violence. Most want to be loved, longing for a relationship with their parents (who in most cases are absentees), or they want to feel that they have a purpose here (which evolution cannot give). Humanism and atheism has failed and left our nation in a moral midnight. But, as a Youth Minister, I am deeply disturbed by the absence of Christian parents in the lives of their kids. We turn our children lose for 30 hours a week at a public school, allow them 40 hours a week with godless media, and wonder what is wrong with our children. We never take the time to train them in a biblical worldview, to build a relationship with them or even pray with them as a family. Rather, we will let them receive a worldview indoctrination from the latest Hollywood movie which portrays sex, violence and a good dose of 40 plus profanities. If we don't lift our heads out of the sand, and draw near to Christ and His Spirit and allow Him to guide us in our parenting, then be prepared, our children will be among the casualties that result from the secular worldviews that are destroying the hearts and minds of millions. I post this, not with a rage of indictment, but with a heart of deepest concern. God help us to rise up in such a time as this and be the men and women you have ordained us to be.

Sunday, January 4, 2009

Simple view of our Nation.

Well, hope everyone is doing well. This blog is not something I wrote but rather an email I recieved from my best friend since second grade. Read it with an open mind.
" I believe the time has come to take our lives back from the politicians. I believe that the time has come to assert some of our God-given "response-abilty" . I think the time has come to stop treating the future of our society like American Idol or a sunday gridiron matchup, playing Monday morning armchair quarterback to the affairs of our nation, screaming "my team is better than yours" while living a vicarious fantasy thru someone else...cheering and rooting for them to "win". It's time for adults to quit acting like kids and learn the ability to make good moral based unselfish responses to life and the world around them and, in turn teach these abilities and principles to their children. It's time to develop a sense of self worth that aligns itself with that of our Creator and Father. You are not the car you drive. You are not the contents of your wallet. You self worth is not based on your knowledge of each individual stat of each player in the National Football League. Turn off the myspace...turn off the Educate yourself. Spend more time building that which're intelligence and your character and teach that to your children. It's time for men to get off the breastmilk and learn to eat meat. If change is the word of the day...well so is neoteny (immaturity in adults). Man-children and women-children running around acting like playschoolers handling the affairs of the world. Enough is enough. Use more than 10% of your brain. Quit trusting someone else to do it for you. And for goodness sake, stop acting like you're making a difference because you stand up for something one day every four years. If you live to be 80 yrs old that means you stood up for something 20 times and that sir is weak and irresponsible. Change has become the"catch" phrase in this election and there is no doubt that we need it, but true change comes from us as individuals."
That is the truth.