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Monday, February 21, 2011

Acts 1:1-3

Acts 1:1-3 -- "...Jesus...shewed himself alive after his passion by many proofs, appearing unto them (His disciples) by the space of forty days, and speaking the things concerning the kingdom of God:"
As a born-again believer and follower of Jesus Christ, I would like to stir up your memory to this powerful truth: We as Christians do not have a faith that is a mindless leap into the dark, but rather we believe the testimony of eyewitnesses who saw Jesus Christ alive after His death. These were many infallible proofs and these proofs, by the witness of men and the convincing power of God's Spirit, have led millions to a new life in God. To end the reality of Christianity, all that would be needed was for His body to be produced. But history has shown us that this has not happened (and will not happen). Only a living Savior could change lives from hopelessness, guilt and despair to the assurance of sins forgiven, a clear conscience, hope, joy and a purpose not found in selfish pursuits. See, I know Jesus is alive, because of the changed person I am today. The tomb is empty, my heart is full and the proofs are insurmountable. Jesus' own words ring powerfully 2000 years later..."because I live, you shall live also." Are you really living today?

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