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Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Christ is the Answer

Acts 18:28 - "For he mightily convinced the Jews, and that publicly, shewing by the scriptures that Jesus was Christ."
This verse is somewhat a summation of all that takes place in this chapter as well as Paul's ministry as a whole, which is, that these disciples made much of Jesus Christ and by doing so, they turned the world upside down (Acts 17:6). The Lord Himself told us that when He is lifted up, men will be drawn to Him (John 12:32)and that the purpose of the Spirit was to testify to the world the person and work of Jesus Christ (John 14:26). Yet, what seems to be lacking today in Christian circles is the preaching and teaching about the person of Christ. We find more books, songs and even sermons that instruct us how to find happiness, get rich, overcome depression, etc; than we find on what Christ has accomplished and that our lives find true fulfillment only in Him. Is it possible that we see so few conversions to Christianity in America because we preach so little of Christ? Money, fame, popularity, possessions,pleasure or religion has never quenched the deepest thirst of humanity, only the Living Water (Jesus Christ) can do that. He is the source of true peace, forgiveness, joy, and fulfillment. Do you know Him today?

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