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Saturday, March 5, 2011

It's all about Christ

Acts 8:35 - "Then Philip opened his mouth, and began at the same scripture, and preached unto him Jesus."

This is where the scriptures will always lead us to, the person of Jesus Christ. Think about this: the bible is actually 66 different books and letters written over a 1500 year span and by more than 40 different authors. It was written in 3 languages (Hebrew, Aramaic and Greek) and on 3 continents. It was written in times of peace and war, famine and prosperity, freedom and slavery. The authors ranged from fishermen, kings, shepherds, priests, scribes, and historians, as well as a tax collector, a physician and a former Pharisee, just to name a few. It's books range from personal letters, to laws and commands, to songs and poetry and history and prophecy. But what is truly amazing is the fact that from Genesis to Revelation, Christ is it's grand subject. The one theme that runs throughout is redemption for mankind through the person of Jesus Christ. So, if you want to know Christ more intimately, you will find Him in the Holy Scriptures. He is all you need to answers the questions of life for as Paul stated, in Jesus are "hid all the treasures of wisdom and knowledge (Colossians 2:3)."

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