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Friday, March 18, 2011

Stirred Hearts

Acts 17:16 - "Now while Paul waited for them at Athens, his spirit was stirred in him, when he saw the city wholly given to idolatry."

This is a sobering question but it is one that must be asked to all who name the name Christ, when was the last time that our hearts were stirred and grieved by what is going on around us? But not only stirred, but it caused us to get involved more in the market place of life in order to reach a world with the Gospel of Christ. Our orders are simple, Jesus said that we should be salt and light in this dark world. Salt preserves and creates thirst and light illuminates and expels darkness. This is what a life lived with Christ does to a world under the influence of the fall. So, whether a business owner, employee, politician, an athlete or a student, let your heart be stirred by the need around us and purpose in your mind to live the Christian life in the eyes of a cynical watching world. You and I are called to be the salt and light, and nothing else will take that place in God's plan for us.

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