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Tuesday, March 1, 2011


Acts 5:29 - "Then Peter and the other apostles answered and said, We ought to obey God rather than men."

This is the fundamental principle to relationship with God, obedience. We see throughout scripture the blessings of God upon the lives of those who obeyed His commands. From Noah to Paul, God works through those who obey Him. "Obedience is better than sacrifice but rebellion is as witchcraft," said Samuel to Saul. This brings us to the text today. The Apostles had been arrested before for preaching the gospel of Jesus Christ and now they are being threatened once more. Their response to those who commanded them to refrain from preaching was, "we will obey God rather than man." Is that our heart's desire today, to obey God even when it seems to be costly? It may seem that the route of obedience goes against common sense or even what is the safe way, but you will find that it is the only path to the blessed life with God. I believe that if you will look, you will see that the list of those who would concur with this truth is long: Noah, Abraham, Joshua, Gideon, David, Daniel and his three companions, Peter, John and Paul just to name a few. I pray that today, our names can be added to this list, and it will be as we walk in obedience to God.

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